Guam Women’s Club (GWC) Scholarship This scholarship is available to current college or university students, graduating high school seniors, and those in the workforce who wish to be full time undergraduate students. It is open to all fields of study.
This scholarship is being offered to US citizens and Guam residents who will be full time students at the University of Guam (UOG), taking at least twelve (12) credit hours per semester. GWC may pay up to eighteen (18) credit hours for tuition and fees only, per semester. This scholarship shall not exceed four (4) academic years.
This scholarship is LIMITED, and only offered to those who will NOT be receiving any other scholarships, for any amount of tuition and fees, such as Merit Scholarship, Pell Grant, Regents Scholarship, and/or ROTC. This list is not inclusive of what may be available. Scholarships covering living expenses, books, and other items may be accepted.
The recipient must maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) per semester, and the scholarship will be withdrawn if not met for two (2) consecutive semesters.
The recipient must attend two (2) GWC General Membership meetings and assist with at least one (1) GWC event per year.
Download the files below. *Criteria/Requirements may be subject to change.